dad, the house is always so quiet without you. Sometimes i almost think that i can hear your footsteps around the kitchen when i'm in my room but they're just in my mind. Every time i hear your keys jingle when mom comes up from the cellar or something i truly believe that it will be you coming through the door. For a split second i think "maybe it is dad" but it's just another cruel joke that my mind plays on me. The other day i thought about that time that we watched that bruce lee movie together, the one where he has to defeat a different person on each floor of this tower. I couldn' remember the name of it and it made me realize how I miss not being able to go to you to ask about a certain star from back in the day or the name of a certain movie. it always seemed as if you truly knew every old classic. I loved hearing that. I miss you daddy, especially when i don't have anyone to joke around with.
Dear Dad,
The other day, I was thinking about that time you told me you went to a yard sale and a lady went to reach for something you were going to look at and you slapped her hand away! I still laugh out loud when I think about that, probably because I can picture you doing something like that so clearly!
I can still hear your voice in my mind perfectly. I hope that never goes away. All your little stories and "sayings" like when you would describe something that is broke as being"shot" or when we would hear you from the kitchen telling Pepper "wanna meet the kitty?" Overall, I really miss your constant sense of humor. There was always laughter when you were around and I miss laughing with you.
I feel very close to you when we go to Todd Farm, you are all around us there -in every way, and I enjoy it because of that. As sad as it can be at times, it is also very rewarding to hear from so many others of what a great person you were.
I miss you so much Dad,
Love Tash
Dad, I have a wonderful memory of July 4th a few years ago. I probably already wrote about this memory but this is a good one. We set up Michaels 3 ft kiddy pool and we were all so damn hot we ALL got in it. Me, you, Lenny, Michael, Tash, Guy ana, ben and even mom put her feet in!! We just all sat in the pool and enjoyed the day together. That was so much fun! July 4th will not be the same. Nothing fun going on here. I love you dearly. I miss you so much. Love, Phaedra
Dear Dad, Today was a tough one. I tried to stay busy and go on with my day but the second I stopped for a minute you were in my sad thoughts. I miss you so much Dad. I don't know how people get through death. It makes me so scared now. I fear losing other ones around me. I don't want to have to go through this heartache again. I don't know if you know how much you are in my thoughts. I think about you all the time but I almost feel that if I do not think out loud you may not know how much you are on my mind and how much I need you back in my life. You were the strong one that I always wanted to be like. The tough guy with the big heart. The guy with the loud bark but small bite. You were the one male in my life that I could always count on. You would tell me like it was and be honest. You would always be there for me and I could always depend on you. I did not tell you that enough but I think you knew it. I know you knew in your heart how much you meant to me. How much you meant to all of us. We are sticking together and trying to lean on eachother and be strong. All we want is our dad back. We don't want you to be gone anymore. IWe want you to come home. I love you...Phae