I'll always remember how i made you signs for your 58th birthday. I had made them the night before and i hung them all around the house. One on the light string in the kitchen, one on the bathroom mirror, one on the back door, and one next to your shop door. The one next to your shop door is till hanging there after all this time. In some way that makes me feel happy because i know you appreciated the littl thing i had done to make you happy on your birthday. We all miss you so much and i will miss celebrating this day with you. I love you Daddy-ooo!
Love, ana
Dear Dad, I am going to be thinking of you all day. I will also be thinking about all the past birthday celebrations we had for you. They were always fun. Especially the surprise formal dinner we had (I love dressing up) and then the fun themed 60th. It was so fun when you got out your guitar and started playing and singing. You had so many talents. I think of the difference between that celebration and the one at Northeast last year and it makes me so sad. I am so, so happy we made your last birthdays special. It was Phaedra's idea and I am so happy she thought to do that. My earliest memory is when mom gave you a framed picture of your mother and I think it was right after she passed over and you were all teary eyed.
You always were so cute on your birthdays, just like a kid opening your presents. I know you were making up for lost time because you did not get that as a child. And you and Mom always made our birthdays so very special. Memories of birthday celebrations are what made my childhood. Thank you so much for that and for all the special dinners you would cook on our birthday. I will do the same for my children someday. Happy Birthday Dad. Love, Meagan
The physical life is no longer yours,
you are not binded by space and time.
Negative emotions are a thing of the past.
For you, the time before we see you again will go so fast.
For us, we wait here,
not knowing when the day will come,
When we get to see you again
and all good things will succumb.
The leaves change to vibrant hues
The air turns crisp
What is it about season change
that makes me miss you too?
I wish I could tell you how my pain does not ease
and how my memory of you,
is strengthened with the change of the leaves
The leaves change to vibrant hues
The air turns crisp
What is it about season change
that makes me miss you too?
I wish I could tell you how my pain does not ease
and the how my memory of you,
is strengthened with the change of the leaves.