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Victor Gaouette
Born in Massachusetts
61 years
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Dear Dad,

I will never forget all the delicious meals you cooked us. The creamy mashed potatoes (that mom could never do as good as you), the shepards pie, american chop suey (so glad I got that recipe from you), hamburg gravy, green bean casserole, hotdog stew, chowder, baked beans, boiled dinners, your sauce, your omlets on Christmas morning, thanksgiving dinners, stir made everything without referring to a recipe and you made it soooo good. I miss all those meals. I wish I could have learned to cook from you. (I am hopeless in the kitchen!)

Miss you so much, not just your cooking but you know that.

Love, Meagan


Dear Dad,

Remember that night at dinner when I was 5 and you went on and on about how you met Papa Smurf up on that wooded hill in Newburyport. (I don't know what it was called) You told me how you and mom hiked up there and found smurf village. Papa smurf offered you some grapes. You said he was as big as the milk jug on the table. I believed every word of it. I was so excited to go meet them all myself. (This was my favorite cartoon at the time, and it was before Phae destroyed me by telling me cartoons were drawings and not real) I went to kindergarten the next day and told the entire class. lol!

Love, Meagan



Dear Dad,
One of my fondest memories is when you decided to tie our red and blue wagon to your riding lawnmower and drive around the streets of Newburyport with Phaedra and I in the back. It was a warm summer evening, and as we went along more kids attached their wagons and riding toys to us, and some rode alongside with their bikes. Before long, we had our own parade going. It was so much fun. (although I don't know if they would allow that nowadays!)

Love, Meagan


Dear Dad, I am so sad without you. The family misses you so very much.

Tash and I were just talking about the time when we set up at Todd Farm with you and Mom. You were getting so mad at us for selling our stuff so cheap!!! You kept telling mom to "watch what we were doing".


I will miss pulling up to the house and seeing you sitting on the front porch enjoying a cigarette. You kept the neighborhood safe by watching over it.


I wish I could have provided more for you when you were here. So many things I wanted to do for you and mom and I never got the chance.

Life will never be the same for me. I will miss you forever.

Love, Phaedra


Dear Dad, I will always remember our Sunday afternoons during the summers when we would hang out in the back yard or driveway after you and mom worked a long hard day at Todd Farm Flea Market. I loved the cook-outs and beer we would enjoy together after you worked all day.

You were the best dad ever. I wish I told you that more. I am so proud to be your daughter. Your passing will hurt forever, I will always have an ache in my heart for you. Michael will miss you forever. I am so happy we were able to spend the last 7 years living next to you and becoming such a close family. You were a wonderful grandfather. Michael was so lucky to have been able to be so close to you. You will always be his "Bump"

Love you forever, Phaedra

Total Memories: 70
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