Dear Dad, I was in the store today and could not bear to look at the lawn furniture. I will miss our time spent in the backyard during the summers. It was so much fun just kicking back, relaxing. Cooking on the grill, drinking beers and having just a good time together. Remember the Fourth of July when it was soooo hot out that we all got into Michaels kiddy pool too cool off. I think there was like 6 or 7 of us in a 3 ft deep pool. That was so much fun. We were so hot we did not care how ridiculous we looked! I will always remember that! Love Phae
Dear Dad, I will miss your "rice and beans" you use to make so well. You were the best cook. I miss you and love you. I feel bad I did not say that enough. I hope you forgive me for not letting you know that more often. Love, Phaedra
Dear Dad,
I remember this past summer when we were staying at the cottage and you came with all of us to get an ice cream in Newburyport and we sat at the tot lot. That was so much fun.
Bump I ment to read this at your funeral but I was afraid I would cry and here it is
The Hail Mary
Hail Mary,full of grarce the lord is with thee.Blessed art thou amongst
women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,Jesus.HolyMary,Mother of God,pray
for us sinners,now and at the hour of our death.
AMEN Sincerely,