When someone we love has died
The familiar form been laid aside
They are not lost , but near at hand
On a higher octave, A wider band
Of living light, Still true and Fond
A thought away, A step beyond
I would like to say a few words about my husband, Victor. His heart was made of gold. His smile was worth a million. He was my BEST FRIEND. Sometimes he'd grumble, sometimes he'd yell but he never, ever let me down. He comforted me long ago when I lost my mother. He held my hand at the birth of all our children. He was there when my grandmother died. We cried together at the loss of our sister-in-law Sharon. For 35 years he has always been at my side and now I feel like half of me is gone. All the summers he spent at Todd Farm. He made many many friends from all walks of life. I'm sure a few first thought he was the gruff mean guy in the cowboy hat. But when they took the time to stop and chat they soon found out he was the interesting, funny guy with the BIG HEART. He so loved each and every one of his 11 children. His many talents will never be forgotten. I cherish every memory I have of him because that's all I have left. I feel so privileged to have shared his life and his heart of GOLD will beat forever in my soul.
Dear Dad, I will never again here your voice say- Hi Darlin'
You use to say that when I walked into your house. I will miss that.
We miss you so much. I am so sad every day. I love you.
Love. Phaedra
Dear Dad, Remember when you use to work at the Opportunity Work Shop and you use to walk to walk to work when we lived on Prospect St in NBPT. I can remember Mom having Meagan and I sit on the front stairs and watch down the street for you to be walking home, I can still remember you carrying your black lunch box.
I miss you Dad. Love, Phaedra
Dear Dad,
I remember your wonderful sense of humor. Like when I was little and would ask you how a dress looked on me and you would say "Good but what are those two strings hanging down?...Oh those are your legs." I guess I had your chicken legs back then, ha ha! I also remember you telling me that joke about the guy on the old train, "you slap his face, I'll grab the cigar"(...too long to type the whole thing) and how I told my 4th grade class. (It was not very appropriate for the class.) Opps!