Victor Albert Gaouette - Online Memorial Website

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Victor Gaouette
Born in Massachusetts
61 years
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Dad, Last night I had an amazing dream. I was at the beach house with everyone but Plum Island was different in some way. I came out of an ice cream shop and it was like I was in the old west almost. Then right there you were standing. I ran over to you and was overwhelmed I said "Dad I can't believe you're here! Oh Dad I miss you!!" We joined in a bearhug and It was one of the tightest hugs I've ever had. I just kept saying " Oh daddy I love you, I love you more than you know, and I'll love you forever and ever!" I just waned to let you know that I loved you and I kept saying it over and over, all the while you were very calm and just said "I know Annie, I know you love me, I know, don't be so sad, just know I'm here. I love you" That dream was so real to me and I wish I could actually hug you but the hug in my dream was real enough for me to feel comforted. thank you for coming to see me. I love you pompadore.
Meagan Rae

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today

 I would hold you in my arms, I would take the pain away

Thank you for all you've done, forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again

Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I am sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just want to hide cause it's you I miss

It's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand?

Are looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance

To look into your eyes and see you looking back

If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away.










Dear Dad,

I miss you all the time. I think back and wish we just had a little more time. I would do so many things. I think back about all the times we spoke of travelling and vacations that never happened. How we use to say "what if" but we never acted on the "what ifs" and now it is too late. The winter has been a long and lonely one. I am looking forward to getting back to Todd to see all your friends and feel a little bit of comfort while I am there. I love you dad. Forever, Phaedra


Dear Victor, Can it really be a year since we laid you to rest? Seems like only yesterday we were standing in Ike's garden, amidst all his towering tomato plants...the two of us smiling into the camera for what would be our last photo together. If only we had known what lay ahead...would we have held each other more tightly? Would we have taken a whole series of photos? Of course we would have...but we just didn't know. And now I've learned the hard way, how true it is, that we must cherish each moment as if it were the last and that we must give thanks for the time we've been given, and I thank God for you, dear Victor, and the many years we were priveleged to spend together.  Love always, Susan

oh Pompadore i miss you so much and think everyday how unfair it is that I lost my dad when i still need his guidance. I think about how my children will never meet you and how i will never have you to walk me down the aisle when i get married. so many things are unfair. I think that the hospital should of tried harder to help you. I just wish you were still here because sometimes i get so confused and think you still are. I'll be in my room and imagine that i hear your keys jingle and the sound of your boots on the kitchen floor and you standing there just saying little things to yourself. I miss that so much. i miss hearing you talk to yourself and say "oh boy i've got so much work.what to do..." I always thought it was so cute. Now that you're gone i kick myself for not giving you more hugs,kisses and letting you know how much i love you and think of you as such a great dad. i miss you so much but I know you're nearbye when I listen to some johnny cash,patsy cline or elvis.I love you dad, you'll always and forever be my pompadore.
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