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Victor Gaouette
61 years
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Benjamin Gaouette I love you Dad January 7, 2015
Dear Dad, 
there are so many things I would love to ask you, and many, MANY more things that I NEED to ask you. Looking back I always feel so foolish for not appreciating the time we had together, I try to tell myself that I was just young and dumb but it's no excuse. I wish I could have had you teach me everything you know, you were always SO smart about everything. I remember asking you so many questions as a kid and always being amazed that you always knew the perfect answer or the perfect solution. I wish I could have learned everything you knew about woodworking and cabinet making, I would love to follow in your footsteps and refinish and restore antiques, and make high quality antique reproductions. You knew so much about everything and I always remember watching documentaries with you about Titanic as a kid. My most prized possession is the model Titanic you made me for my 6th or 7th birthday, it is so beautiful and detailed and made so well. I love it so much and I love YOU so much. You always did so much for me thinking back, like when I wanted the square grand piano to be set up and you actually got it out and set it up for me, which I remember was NOT an easy ALL. Or the time you helped me bring that beautiful pump organ home. You were ALWAYS there for me so much and I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything. I love you so much and I miss you so terribly. Pepper has recently passed away and the family and I are all so heartbroken. To someone who doesn't know it would seem like he was just a pet, but he was not. He was SO much more, me and Ana and Mom all believe that he could really sense your presence. Many times me and mom or Ana and me would be sitting talking about you or thinking about you and he would just start up singing all happy. And anyone who knew Pepper knows that he did NOT sing unless he had a reason to. And the type of singing I'm referring to was different than any other type of singing he used to do. Now that he's gone too it just feels so sad in the house. He was our special connection to you and now we lost him as well. Whenever I would go out to visit him I would always sense your presence when I talked to him. Now he is gone. You and him are two things that will always remind me of my childhood. I love you so much Dad and I miss you more than I could ever fully express. The sadness and pain never fades but only grows as I come to realize all that I lost with your passing. Thank you and Mom(and Pepper) for making my childhood the best a kid could ever ask for, or dream of. 
Love always, Benjamin.
Phaedra The pain never stops. January 4, 2015
Dad, I sure do miss your cooking. I miss the sound of you in the cellar, working hard. I miss the sound of your knees cracking when you walked. I miss your bear hug. I miss your pony tail, your beard. I miss seeing you sitting on the porch smoking or tinkering with something in the driveway. So many memories, I wish I took the time to enjoy them more. Your passing has brought so much uncertainty in our lives. You were our rock. You were out Dad and we would do anything to have you back. 
ana pompadore February 3, 2012
Dad I think back and imagine all the things I would of changed. I would of said I love you more often, I would of spent more one on one time with you and I would of let you know that I appreciate having you as a father so much. I would of gone to Todd with you and mom.After going every sunday I imagine what it would of been like if ben and I got to walk around and look at stuff with you.Honestly I think I love my "cronies" so much because I miss you so dearly.Everytime I see a man with a beard or a belly I think of you and it's hard because I miss you so much.Why are there so many bad people living in the world and you got taken away from us? that is one thing I'll never be able to understand.Everytime I say a joke to anyone in the family I think of you and hope that I can help ease some pain and make people happy again.I just want one more hug but I'll have to wait for a visit in my dreams for that..Dad,I love you


Dad, Happy Father's Day. Every year I see the fathers day cards in the store and it just reminds me that I will never again get to pick out a fathers day card. It's always the little things that are constant reminders that your gone.

Miss you so much, I am always thinking of you

Love, Tash


Dear Dad, I think of you every day. Some days are harder than others. Today is one of those days. I think a lot when I am running and sometimes I have to stop and catch myself from just collapsing. I miss you so much. Like Tash said recently it just hits you and you just ask did this happen?

Sometimes when I see other people who look like they are recovering from a stroke I think "why them? why not Dad?" I want to be helping you recover. I can still remember kissing your forehead for the last time. I wish I held that moment a little longer. So many regrets I have.  

I never thought I could hurt this much inside.

I just want my dad back.

Love, Phaedra

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